The weather is pretty hot nowadays, right? As the person who stays inside at home, I often feel the weather is humid and hot even though I open the window. How about you guys who have to work outside?
Kalau cuaca panas begini, aku paling suka pakai Soothing Gel, lalu pakai kipas angin. Kulit jadi lebih lembab, adem, dan segar rasanya. Kebetulan aku sedang coba salah satu varian terbarunya dari Soothing Gel Series-nya SNP: Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel.
When the weather is this hot, I like to put on some Soothing Gel before I turn on the fan. It makes my skin more hydrated, soothed, and fresh. By chance, I am currently trying SNP’s new product from Soothing Gel Series: Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel.
SNP Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel ini sangat menarik di mata aku dengan packagingnya yang berwarna biru laut. Warnanya kemasannya segar seperti isi produknya. Isinya banyak, ada 300gr! Untuk cek keaslian produk, kamu bisa lihat informasi produk, komposisi, tanggal kadaluwarsa, produsen, dan importir produk dari kemasan jar bulat besar ini.
The packaging of SNP Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel is very appealing to me because the of its sea-ish blue color. It looks fresh, just like how the product feels. It contains 300gr of soothing gel! To ensure the origanility of the product, you can check the product information, ingredients, expiring date, factory, and the importer of the product below the packaging.
Dengan tekstur gel bening yang padat, soothing gel ini terlihat seperti agar-agar segar di kemasannya. Aku sendiri waktu lihat foto ini rasanya segar sekali, rindu pantai jadi terobati. Soothing gel ini terasa kenyal dan lembut jika dipegang, lalu mencair ketika diaplikasikan ke kulit. Teksturnya terasa watery, seperti air, tidak lengket, dan ada efek cooling yang bikin kulit terasa dingin. Ditambah aromanya manis dan elegan, seperti bunga di musim semi. Bikin relaks.
The gel is pretty dense, and when I look at it in the packaging it looks like jelly! Just by looking at it, makes me feel refreshed and it heals my longing for the sea. The soothing gel feels jelly-ish when you touch it, and when you apply it on your skin it melts like water. The applied product texture is watery, not sticky, and it gives the skin some cooling effect. Plus, the aroma smells sweet and elegant, similar to the spring flowers. It is very relaxing.
Nggak heran kalau SNP Bird’s Nest Soothing Gel ini wangi seperti bunga, karena dia mengandung 9 kandungan herbal: Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Basil, Sage, Oregano, Spearmint, dan Lemon Balm. Tiga dari Sembilan ekstrak herbal di produk ini dikenal sebagai bunga yang punya kandungan anti inflamasi.
No wonder the SNP Bird’s Nest Soothing gel smells like flower, because it contains 9 kinds of herbal extracts: Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Basil, Sage, Oregano, Spearmint, and Lemon Balm. Three out of nine herb extracts in this product are known as anti-inflammatory flower extracts.
Kandungan utama dari produk ini adalah Bird’s Nest, atau ekstrak sarang burung walet. Ekstrak sarang burung walet tersebut kaya akan vitamin dan protein, yang bisa mencerahkan kulit, menjaga regenerasi kulit, dan meningkatkan produksi kolagen di kulit jika dipakai secara rutin. Soothing Gel ini cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, dan cocok untuk semua umur!
The main ingredient for this product is the bird’s nest extract which is rich with vitamins and proteins. It helps with brightening the skin, skin regeneration, and increasing collagen production on skin if you use it on regular basis. This soothing gel is suitable for all ages and any skin types.
Di sini aku coba kasih lihat perbedaan kulit tanganku ketika belum pakai SNP Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel, dan ketika sudah pakai produknya. Kamu bisa lihat kulit aku terlihat lebih lembab dan halus. Mungkin kamu nggak bisa mencium aromanya, tapi wanginya manis dan elegan sekali.
In the picture, I’m showing you the difference on my skin before and after using the SNP Bird’s Nest Intensive Soothing Gel at one-time usage. You can see that my skin becomes moister and smoother. You may not smell it, but my skin also smells very sweet and elegant.
Kandungan anti inflamasinya juga bikin kulit terasa dingin, bahkan ketika produknya sudah menyerap. Kalau kulit kamu sensitif kemerahan, produk ini akan bikin kulit kamu lebih tenang dan nggak merah-merah.
The anti-inflammatory property makes my skin feels soothed, even when the product is already absorbed to the skin. If you have sensitive skin with redness, this product will calm the redness on the skin. If you use it every day, your skin will be brighter!
Setelah pakai produk ini selama kurang lebih dua minggu di daerah tangan dan kaki, aku merasa kulitku jadi terlihat lebih cerah khususnya di bagian siku. Selain itu, kulit juga terasa lebih lembab, plump, tebal, dan sehat.
After two weeks of using this product on my arms and legs, my skin looks brighter especially in the elbow area. Besides, the skin feels more hydrated, plump, and healthy.
- Sebagai pengganti pelembab atau sleeping mask di malam hari
- Sebagai after shaving cream untuk menenangkan kulit sensitif
- Sebagai eye gel, dioles di bagian bawah mata
- Sebagai hair essence, dipakai setelah keramas untuk menjaga rambut tetap sehat dan berkilau
- To replace your moisturizer, or use it as sleeping pack at night
- Use it as after shaving cream to soothe and moisturize your skin
- As eye gel, put it on your eye bags
- As hair essence, use it after washing your hair to keep it healthy and shiny
For more information about this product, you can visit the official website of SNP on:, or their Instagram If you are curious about the product, check it out on Shopee Mall SNP:
Thanks for reading!
❤️, Safira Nisa
Sumpah kemasannya keliatan seger bangett, mana biru tuh warna favoritku <3