So today I woke up feeling like a sock. I did nothing much. Crawling in bed, crying, watching sad romantic movies. That's what everyone did when you feel sad and pathetic, I guess? 🤔 Well no heartbreak here but I just love dramatizing things with sad romantic movies🤣🤗
Then I scrolled YouTube. Kalau lagi begini rasanya nggak mood nonton apa-apa. Apalagi yang menyenangkan dan seru seperti Simply Nailogical💿🔮💿. Rasanya malah jadi kayak minder. Kenapa sih orang bisa se-seru dan positif itu padahal kita semua tau hidup itu sulit dan nggak selalu baik-baik aja?💁♀️
Somewhere along the scroll, I finally found Barbie's channel. Didn't go directly to this video, though, but I eventually did. Sheez. BARBIE DID MAKE ME FEEL BETTER😍💖✨
Then I scrolled YouTube. Kalau lagi begini rasanya nggak mood nonton apa-apa. Apalagi yang menyenangkan dan seru seperti Simply Nailogical💿🔮💿. Rasanya malah jadi kayak minder. Kenapa sih orang bisa se-seru dan positif itu padahal kita semua tau hidup itu sulit dan nggak selalu baik-baik aja?💁♀️
Somewhere along the scroll, I finally found Barbie's channel. Didn't go directly to this video, though, but I eventually did. Sheez. BARBIE DID MAKE ME FEEL BETTER😍💖✨
Setelah bisa bener-bener 'mikir', aku akhirnya sadar. Waw yang bikin konten ini keren banget ya🤩. Aku nggak bisa bayangin siapa yang ngatur kontennya, dan kenapa bisa kepikiran bikin konten kayak gini. Bukan cuma masalah 'Barbie Ngevlog'-nya, but the whole thing. Most importantly, konteks dari kontennya (dan segala perintilan kecil tentang vlog ini)🙆♀️
Barbie di channel ini beneran ngevlog like mostly YouTubers. Memang durasinya pendek-pendek, nggak ada yang sampe lima menit!😱 Tapi semuanya memang ringkas, padat, jelas. Bahasa sekarangnya sih on point. Barbie langsung ngomong ke intinya, tanpa basa-basi. Scriptnya jelas, setiap kata dan kalimat punya makna🤩
Di setiap videonya, Barbie menekankan kebaikan. Kindness is everything. She taught us even without even saying the word 'be kind'🙋♀️. Dan hari ini aku belajar sesuatu dari Barbie: empati itu bukan cuma merasa sedih dan kasihan sama orang! Merasa senang untuk orang lain juga namanya empati! Damn you PpKN textbooks, Barbie is my role model (and a better teacher)! 🤣
Selain konteks, kamu harus perhatikan detail vlognya. I don't know who voiced Barbie but here, the voice is REAL GOOD😍. Bukan susu Real Good itu tapi suaranya beneran bagus, gak cemprengkayak aku di video. Cahayanya juga pas, kayak ada lighting beneran waktu Barbie shooting video. Gak flat kayak kartun-kartun gitu (no offense, ppl)🤣
Then, gerak-geriknya. She's just like real human!😱 She talks like human, like vloggers. She acts like we do. She even has bloopers from the posted videos!
And all of them reminded me of my childhood. Sometimes I wonder (again and again), what were my childhood dreams?🤔 Lately I've been thinking why is everybody got to keep their childhood dreams and likings meanwhile I forgot all of them? I don't know either 😥
Looking back to the past few years, I kinda forgot who I was. I forgot my childhood dreams, I didn't make them my likings anymore, I grew apart with them. But the truth is, I've always excited when Barbie came up in the TV!😲 It uplifts me, it makes me happy. I don't know why but it is.
They say that you can't lose your inner child. Never let go of that.
So today I decided.
I'm not letting you go, Barb💖
(Oh hey I love magical things too but it can wait😛)
Thanks for reading!
—Safira Nys
Barbie di channel ini beneran ngevlog like mostly YouTubers. Memang durasinya pendek-pendek, nggak ada yang sampe lima menit!😱 Tapi semuanya memang ringkas, padat, jelas. Bahasa sekarangnya sih on point. Barbie langsung ngomong ke intinya, tanpa basa-basi. Scriptnya jelas, setiap kata dan kalimat punya makna🤩
Di setiap videonya, Barbie menekankan kebaikan. Kindness is everything. She taught us even without even saying the word 'be kind'🙋♀️. Dan hari ini aku belajar sesuatu dari Barbie: empati itu bukan cuma merasa sedih dan kasihan sama orang! Merasa senang untuk orang lain juga namanya empati! Damn you PpKN textbooks, Barbie is my role model (and a better teacher)! 🤣
Selain konteks, kamu harus perhatikan detail vlognya. I don't know who voiced Barbie but here, the voice is REAL GOOD😍. Bukan susu Real Good itu tapi suaranya beneran bagus, gak cempreng
Then, gerak-geriknya. She's just like real human!😱 She talks like human, like vloggers. She acts like we do. She even has bloopers from the posted videos!
And all of them reminded me of my childhood. Sometimes I wonder (again and again), what were my childhood dreams?🤔 Lately I've been thinking why is everybody got to keep their childhood dreams and likings meanwhile I forgot all of them? I don't know either 😥
Looking back to the past few years, I kinda forgot who I was. I forgot my childhood dreams, I didn't make them my likings anymore, I grew apart with them. But the truth is, I've always excited when Barbie came up in the TV!😲 It uplifts me, it makes me happy. I don't know why but it is.
They say that you can't lose your inner child. Never let go of that.
So today I decided.
I'm not letting you go, Barb💖
(Oh hey I love magical things too but it can wait😛)
Thanks for reading!
—Safira Nys
Dhia juga suka nonton Barbie, otomatis emaknya ini juga ikutan menyimak.
BalasHapusBarbienya yang gimana nih? Haha
Hapuswaduh, gue karek apal ada Vlog Barbie. Videonya di luar ekspetasi pula, kirain cuma video yang cantik-cantikan atau rumah-rumahan, ternyata real kayak vlogger manusia. Nice
BalasHapusBtw, Emphaty Challenge si Ken boleh tuh diaplikasikan. It's a lil bit sweet.
Boleh nih tema tulisan gini jadi ide nulis kalo lagi lieur mau nulis naon di blog.
Aku aja kaget banget Barbie punya vlog begini haha~
Hapusgelaaa safira up to date banget, w aja barbie lovers cuman taunya barbie life in the dream house hahaha
BalasHapusWkwkwk ini juga ga sengaja nemunya~
HapusBarbie vlog ini udah seliweran di TL Youtube tapi nggak ada satu pun yang aku klik 😂 Baru beneran ngeklik di postingan ini, and yeah, this is super nice! 😍
BalasHapusGa nyesel khannnnn? Wkwk